4 912
blog posts
312 photographed species of 341 (91%)


Big Year 2023

The winner will submit the pictures of the largest number of bird species taken on the territory of Belarus during this year.

You can see previous years competitions results here: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


* number inside brackets means the number of species photographed in 2023
4. Oboew Roulon (19)

all species photographed in 2023

* in order of appearance (number inside brackets means the date of first record "month-day" )
1. Dunnock / Hedge Sparrow (2023-01-06)
2. Bohemian Waxwing (2023-01-08)
3. Coal Tit (2023-01-13)
4. European Greenfinch (2023-01-14)
5. Eurasian Wren (2023-01-15)
6. Rough-legged Buzzard (2023-01-15)
7. Long-tailed Tit (2023-01-15)
8. Crested Tit (2023-01-16)
9. Mallard (2023-01-19)
10. Mandarin Duck (2023-01-19)
11. Common Coot (2023-01-20)
12. Hooded Crow (2023-01-25)
13. Mute Swan (2023-01-25)
14. Goosander (2023-01-25)
15. Rock Pigeon (2023-01-25)
16. Greylag Goose (2023-01-27)
17. Little Owl (2023-01-28)
18. Eurasian Treecreeper (2023-01-29)
19. Eurasian Pygmy Owl (2023-02-02)
20. Eurasian Jackdaw (2023-02-04)
21. Mistle Thrush (2023-02-04)
22. Common Blackbird (2023-02-11)
23. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (2023-02-19)
24. European Goldfinch (2023-02-19)
25. Great Grey Shrike (2023-02-19)
26. Common Wood Pigeon (2023-02-24)
27. Common Bullfinch (2023-02-26)
28. Common Kingfisher (2023-03-02)
29. Common Goldeneye (2023-03-04)
30. Yellowhammer (2023-03-11)
31. Great Cormorant (2023-03-13)
32. Northern Pintail (2023-03-14)
33. Common Starling (2023-03-15)
34. Common Redpoll (2023-03-17)
35. White Wagtail (2023-03-17)
36. Linnet (2023-03-18)
37. Fieldfare (2023-03-18)
38. Eurasian Skylark (2023-03-18)
40. Smew (2023-03-19)
41. Common Redshank (2023-03-19)
42. Northern Lapwing (2023-03-19)
43. Ruff male, Reeve female (2023-03-20)
44. Common Black-headed Gull (2023-03-21)
45. House Sparrow (2023-03-26)
46. Eurasian Tree Sparrow (2023-03-26)
47. Wood Lark (2023-03-29)
48. Redwing (2023-03-29)
49. Song Thrush (2023-03-29)
50. Barnacle Goose (2023-04-02)
51. Grey-headed Woodpecker (2023-04-02)
52. Goldcrest (2023-04-05)
53. Common Chiffchaff (2023-04-06)
54. Tree Pipit (2023-04-08)
55. Western Yellow Wagtail (2023-04-09)
56. Northern Wheatear (2023-04-10)
57. Eurasian Oystercatcher (2023-04-10)
58. Black-tailed Godwit (2023-04-11)
59. Dunlin (2023-04-11)
60. Rook (2023-04-12)
61. Azure Tit (2023-04-13)
62. Chaffinch (2023-04-15)
63. Lesser Black-backed Gull (2023-04-15)
64. Marsh Sandpiper (2023-04-16)
65. European Pied Flycatcher (2023-04-16)
66. Hen Harrier (2023-04-21)
67. European Serin (2023-04-22)
68. Pallid Harrier (2023-04-22)
69. Eurasian Wryneck (2023-04-22)
70. Common Cuckoo (2023-04-23)
71. Black Kite (2023-04-23)
72. Blackcap (2023-04-24)
73. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2023-04-24)
74. Bluethroat (2023-04-24)
75. Western Marsh Harrier (2023-04-24)
76. Black Redstart (2023-04-24)
77. Wood Warbler (2023-04-25)
78. Common Redstart (2023-04-28)
79. Lesser Whitethroat (2023-04-30)
80. Thrush Nightingale (2023-04-30)
81. Eurasian Hobby (2023-05-01)
82. Great Reed-warbler (2023-05-01)
83. Gadwall (2023-05-01)
84. Whimbrel (2023-05-08)
85. Black Tern (2023-05-08)
86. Black Grouse (2023-05-08)
88. Canada Goose (2023-05-09)
89. Eurasian Magpie (2023-05-09)
90. Common Whitethroat (2023-05-09)
91. Eurasian Spoonbill (2023-05-12)
92. Little Tern (2023-05-12)
93. Little Ringed Plover (2023-05-14)
94. Reed Bunting (2023-05-14)
95. Whinchat (2023-05-14)
96. Barred Warbler (2023-05-14)
97. Sedge Warbler (2023-05-15)
98. Garden Warbler (2023-05-15)
99. Spotted Flycatcher (2023-05-19)
100. Icterine Warbler (2023-05-20)
101. European Bee-eater (2023-05-20)
102. Eurasian Golden Oriole (2023-05-20)
103. Marsh Warbler (2023-05-21)
104. Corncrake (2023-05-23)
105. Red-backed Shrike (2023-05-23)
106. Common Crane (2023-05-24)
107. Montagu's Harrier (2023-05-24)
108. Common Pochard (2023-05-24)
109. Sand Martin (2023-05-25)
110. Hawfinch (2023-05-31)
111. White Stork (2023-06-04)
112. Grey Heron (2023-06-04)
113. Great Egret (2023-06-08)
114. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2023-06-10)
115. Common Sandpiper (2023-06-17)
116. Common Tern (2023-06-17)
117. Barn Swallow (2023-07-01)
118. Black Stork (2023-07-03)
119. Common Snipe (2023-07-03)
120. Spotted Crake (2023-07-04)
121. Common Ringed Plover (2023-07-04)
122. Whiskered Tern (2023-07-04)
123. Black-necked Grebe (2023-07-05)
124. Corn Bunting (2023-07-07)
125. Red-necked Grebe (2023-07-10)
126. Curlew Sandpiper (2023-07-10)
127. Common Rosefinch (2023-07-10)
128. Northern Shoveler (2023-07-10)
129. Little Stint (2023-07-11)
130. Eurasian Penduline-tit (2023-07-12)
131. Temminck’s Stint (2023-07-13)
132. Common Swift (2023-07-15)
133. Firecrest (2023-07-16)
134. Yellow-legged Gull (2023-07-19)
135. Stock Pigeon (2023-08-18)
136. Common Buzzard (2023-08-27)
137. European Honey Buzzard (2023-09-03)
138. Ruddy Turnstone (2023-09-07)
139. Osprey (2023-09-12)
140. Eurasian Jay (2023-09-13)
141. Marsh Tit (2023-09-23)
142. Blue Tit (2023-09-23)
143. Sanderling (2023-09-28)
144. Eurasian Nuthatch (2023-10-01)
145. European Robin (2023-10-08)
146. Peregrine Falcon (2023-10-13)
147. Eurasian Sparrowhawk (2023-10-15)
148. Eurasian Siskin (2023-10-15)
149. Black-legged Kittiwake (2023-10-28)
150. Arctic Loon (2023-10-28)
151. Red-breasted Merganser (2023-10-29)
152. Common Scoter (2023-10-29)
153. Hume's Warbler (2023-11-26)

rare birds records

Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Gantsevichi district, Brest region

Редко регистрируемый вид

Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Kirov district, Mogilev region

Случайно залётный вид в Беларуси

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

© Viktor Natykanets
Pripyat river floodplain, Turov town surrounding, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Gomel region, Zhitkovichi district

more rarities...

recent video

2021-01-30. Common Starling (Yuri Kurlenyov).

2020-06-20. Wood Warbler (Viktor Natykanets).

2020-04-18. Great Grey Shrike (Viktor Natykanets).

2019-04-26. Eurasian Wryneck (Viktor Natykanets).

2019-03-27. Syrian Woodpecker (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-26. Eurasian Wren (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-23. Common Greenshank (Viktor Natykanets), Ruddy Turnstone (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-22. Black-winged Stilt (Viktor Natykanets), Northern Lapwing (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-20. Dunlin (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-18. Little Grebe (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-14. Red Phalarope (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-13. Azure Tit (Viktor Natykanets).

2018-09-04. Ruff male, Reeve female (Viktor Natykanets).

more video...

unidentified birds

all birds indentified