

Great Grey Owl

Strix nebulosa (J.R. Forster, 1772)

Бородатая неясыть | Барадатая кугакаўка
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1999-05-01 = 2024-07-16

2024-07-16 | Stolin district, Olmany mires | Valery Dombrovski | Strix nebulosa

2019-06-01 | | Andrei Shevchik | Strix nebulosa

2017-06-19 | Ivacevichi district | Semion Levy | Strix nebulosa

2015-10-31 | Pruzhanskiy rayon | Andrey Borodin | Strix nebulosa

2014-03-27 | | Maxim Tarantovich | Strix nebulosa

1999-05-01 | Zadrachie village, Gorodok district, Vitebsk region | Viktor Natykanets | Strix nebulosa


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