

Wood Lark

Lullula arborea (Linnaeus, 1758)

Лесной жаворонок | Баравы жаўрук
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2016-05-20 = 2024-03-16

2024-03-16 | Gomel region, Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve | Valery Dombrovski | Lullula arborea

2023-03-29 | Turov town, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region | Viktor Natykanets | Lullula arborea

2021-03-17 | Brest | Kalesnikau Aleh | Lullula arborea

2020-05-13 | The Lake Osveyskoe surroundings, reserve "Osveysky" (in transboundary Specially Protected Natural Area "Reserved Lakeland"), Verhnedvinsk district, Vitebsk region | Viktor Natykanets | Lullula arborea

2020-05-12 | The Lake Osveyskoe surroundings, reserve "Osveysky" (in transboundary Specially Protected Natural Area "Reserved Lakeland"), Verhnedvinsk district, Vitebsk region | Viktor Natykanets | Lullula arborea

2019-01-04 | derevnya Klinok, Chervenski r-n | Yuliya Altunyuva | Lullula arborea

2018-04-03 | Berezovskiy rayon | Maksim Kalaskou | Lullula arborea

2016-05-20 | Povitie, Kobrin d. | Semion Levy | Lullula arborea


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