

Mandarin Duck

Aix galericulata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Мандаринка | Качка-мандарынка
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2014-10-24 = 2023-01-19

2023-01-19 | | Yury Podverbny | Aix galericulata

2022-01-15 | | Roulon Oboew | Aix galericulata

2021-11-20 | | Roulon Oboew | Aix galericulata

2021-11-14 | | Yury Podverbny | Aix galericulata

2021-08-08 | | Andrey Borodin | Aix galericulata

2019-03-18 | | Pavel Lychkousky | Aix galericulata

2019-03-18 | SK Raubichi | Yuliya Altunyuva | Aix galericulata

2014-11-04 | Mukhavets river, Brest town | Viktor Natykanets | Aix galericulata

2014-10-25 | Lida | Semion Levy | Aix galericulata

2014-10-24 | | Maksim Kalaskou | Aix galericulata


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