

Mistle Thrush

Turdus viscivorus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Деряба | Шэры дрозд
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2019-01-21 = 2024-05-09

2024-05-09 | Stolin district, Olmany mires | Valery Dombrovski | Turdus viscivorus

2023-11-10 | | Yury Podverbny | Turdus viscivorus

2023-04-22 | | Yury Podverbny | Turdus viscivorus

2023-02-04 | Svetlogorsk | Aleksandr Golyantov | Turdus viscivorus

2019-01-21 | Sitnitsky dvor, Luninets dist. | Semion Levy | Turdus viscivorus


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