

Lesser Spotted Eagle

Aquila pomarina (C.L. Brehm, 1831)

Малый подорлик | Малы арлец
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2016-06-19 = 2024-04-28

2024-04-28 | Vitebsk region, Tolochin district | Valery Dombrovski | Aquila pomarina

2024-04-25 | | Yury Podverbny | Aquila pomarina

2022-06-18 | | Yury Podverbny | Aquila pomarina

2019-04-22 | Pripyat river floodplain, Pogost village surrounding, Pogost meadow, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region | Viktor Natykanets | Aquila pomarina

2018-09-15 | | Andrei Shevchik | Aquila pomarina

2018-05-03 | Dokshicy dist. | Semion Levy | Aquila pomarina

2017-05-27 | | Pavel Lychkousky | Aquila pomarina

2016-06-19 | Polotsk region | Alexander Erdmann | Aquila pomarina


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