
basic information

Dusky Warbler

Phylloscopus fuscatus (Blyth, 1842)

Бурая пеночка | Бурая пячураўка

Eastern Kazakhstan
© Oleg Belyalov


A rare vagrant species. The nesting area is from the mountains of South Asia to Primorye, Chukotka and Yakutia. The nesting areas closest to Belarus and the European part of Russia are the southeast of western Siberia. The flights are known up to 3. Europe.<br>For the first time in Belarus it is reliably valid on October 24, 2020 in the Grodno region.


The most typical habitats are meadows with shrubs, sparse floodplain forests, clearings and swamps with shrubs. Shrubs are an indispensable element of the nesting biotope. They feed almost exclusively in the bush. At the end of summer, adult and young brown warblers are even larger concentrate in bushes along river valleys.


1. Шашенько Ю., Китель Д., Винчевкий Д., Лукшиц О. "Личное наблюдение" / Птушкі штодня / Рэдкія назіранні. 24.10.2020
2. Рябицев В. К. "Птицы Урала, Приуралья и Западной Сибири: Справ.-определитель". 3-е изд., испр. и доп. Екатеринбург, 2008. - 634 с.: ил.
3. Калякин М. В. "Бурая пеночка" / Калякин М. В. (общ. редактор) "Полный определитель птиц Европейской части России". Часть III. Москва, 2014. С.157
4. Портенко Л. А. "Птицы СССР", часть IV. Ленинград, 1960. - 416 с.
5. Птушенко Е. С. "Бурая пеночка" / Дементьев Г. П., Гладков Н. А. (общ. ред) «Птицы Советского Союза», т. VI Москва, 1954. С.206-210
6. Протокол заседания БОФК № 1 (2021) г. Минск от 11.03.2021 г.


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